Saturday, June 30, 2007

Why am I doing this?

You may wonder where someone comes up with the idea to write a blog just on science words. The answer is the shower, of course! You see, I'm a biologist by training, a neuroscientist by trade, and a scientist by association.

I spent a bit of time a small technical school nestled in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas, and I got pretty used to people understanding technical jargon. Well, I find myself in the real world, and while I try to control it, every once in a while (okay, at least once a day), someone says "Just what does xxxxx mean?"

So, it looks like I have enough fodder for a relatively active blog of words that may or may not be in your vocabularly. By all means, if you want to contribute a word (and a definition in lay terms), I'll welcome them. Similarly, if you have a different definition or a correction for a term, we'll get those incorporated, too!

Here's looking forward to a productive collaboration.
